23 Photos To Inspire You To Visit Peru

Peru might be one of the most interesting places you can visit. Peru is the home of one of the Seven Wonders Machu Picchu which was the Inca citadel the colonisers never found and destroyed. You can also discover the UNESCO heritage listed city Cusco and the floating islands in Titicaca. Here are 23 photos to inspire you to visit Peru.

Weaver at Awanacancha, Between Cusco and Pisac

Falling stones at Machu Picchu, this shows that they never finished the construction

Cristina showing us how to steer the Totora boat, Khantati Island, Uros Islands, Titicaca

Stone gate at the exit in Taquile Island, Titicaca

Machu Picchu from above at Huyana Picchu

Traditional Quechua women and a child at Pisac market in Pisac, outside of Cusco

Night at Khantati Island, Uros Islands, Titicaca

Lorenzo a guide on Taquile island, Titicaca

Soup entre, Khantati Island, Uros Islands, Titicaca

Pachamama, Amantani Island, Titicaca

La Iglesia de la Compañía de Jesús, Plaza de Armas, Cusco

Intihuatana Stone, Machu Picchu

Salt beds, Salineras de Maras, near Cusco

Machu Picchu, Peru

Quechua flag, Khantati Island, Uros Island, Titicaca

Machu Picchu, Peru

Cat on the roofs of Cusco

Pom Poms, Khantati Island, Uros Islands, Titicaca

Moray, near Cusco

Twelve angle stone, Cusco

Plaza de Armas, Cusco

Khantati Island, Uros Islands, Titicaca

Sacsayhuamán, Cusco


Have you been to Machu Picchu? How was your visit? If not, would you go?


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Vibeke Johannessen

My name is Vibeke. A travel blogger and a photographer from Norway. I am posting about my journey around the world as well as my experiences living in Ecuador.


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