5 Things to Consider Before Your Machu Picchu Trip

Machu Picchu was only rediscovered back in 1911. Forgotten about for hundreds of years, this UNESCO world’s heritage site now draws more than 1.5 million tourists every year.

That’s an impressive statistic when you realize the effort it takes to get there.And the effort isn’t the only issue. There are more than a few things to think about before heading to Machu Picchu. Planning a trip and want to ensure you’re properly prepared?

Read on for 5 top considerations for planning your Machu Picchu trip.

1. Book Ahead

Machu Picchu isn’t your ordinary tourist stop.

The popularity and isolation of this wonder of the world mean spaces fill up fast. Anybody planning a tour around the area must book ahead of time.

Oh, and we don’t mean the day before. To be sure of a space in peak season, think about booking your tour as far ahead as 6 months before your trip.

2. Prepare for the Altitude

At 2,430 meters above sea level, Machu Picchu itself is far from on top of the world (even if it seems that way when you’re there!).

However, it isn’t unheard of for people to struggle with the altitude. That’s particularly true for anybody doing a Machu Picchu Hike, as the Machu Picchu Mountain rises to over 3,000 meters.

Anyone who hasn’t spent time at altitude before should take their time, stay hydrated, and think about taking altitude pills. Be sure to speak with your doctor beforehand as well, just in case.

3. You Need Your Passport

Here’s a quick but essential Machu Picchu tip:

Don’t forget your passport.

You’ll need to have it with you, alongside your ticket, for entry. If you wish, you can pay for a nice new stamp in your passport too, to help commemorate the trip.

4. Expect Insects

Nowhere in the world is perfect.

Everywhere you go will have some slight annoyance to keep you humble.

In the case of Machu Picchu, it’s likely to be biting insects that buzz all over the place. Fail to cover up and expect a multitude of itchy welts by the end of the day.

Take strong insect repellent and wear clothes that’ll keep them at bay.

5. You Need a Guide

You can now enter Machu Picchu in the morning or afternoon.

When you go in depends on the ticket you purchase (quick tip: buying the morning ticket gives you the chance to ‘forget’ to leave on time). No matter the time, though, you’re meant to have a guide for your visit.

FYI, it’s up for debate how strictly this rule is enforced. Many people don’t hire a guide and continue to get in regardless.

Time to Plan Your Machu Picchu Trip

Machu Picchu was lost to humankind for hundreds of years.

These days, though, it’s been well and truly rediscovered. Nonetheless, a Machu Picchu trip isn’t the simplest of affairs. There are numerous things to keep in mind to ensure you have a successful experience.

Hopefully, this post has highlighted the key considerations to know about before you go.

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Vibeke Johannessen

My name is Vibeke. A travel blogger and a photographer from Norway. I am posting about my journey around the world as well as my experiences living in Ecuador.


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