6 Travel Mates You Shouldn’t Miss

In 2017, inbound tourism visitor numbers grew by 5.1% in the Americas, 8% in Europe, 6.2% in Asia Pacific, 11.5% in Africa, and 2.2% in the Middle East.

The global tourism is a massive industry, but it’s also one of the fastest growing sectors. According to the EU Travel Report, the average travel spending on desktop computers was 350 - 460 Euros per buyer, depending on the country.             

These are not just boring stats. They lead us to a very important conclusion: people are traveling more than ever! Any point of the world is getting closer. We’re all willing to nurture that little adventurer within, and that’s a good thing.

But are we all prepared to face the big world? Adventures are great when they are spontaneous, but there are some things you should never leave to chance. You should always have few fateful mates with you… all the time!

These are the 5 travel mates you should never be left without during a trip:

Your Passport… And a Copy of Your Passport!

This is so obvious that it’s strange how many people neglect the advice. When you travel to another country, your passport is the identification document. If you lose it, you’ll encounter tons of trouble. We’ll explain that trouble in the simplest way possible: your trip will be ruined. If your passport was stolen, you’ll have to deal with police reports. Then, you’ll have to contact the nearest embassy or consulate, deal with tons of forms, and do some waiting.

So you definitely want to keep your passport with you all the time! You don’t want to lose it! But if you do, you should keep a copy or two. Needless to say, you’ll keep the copies in a safe place that’s not the same place where you keep the passport.

A good passport bag is a traveler’s best mate.

A Book / Your E- Reader

You’ll be waiting at the airport. You’ll take public transport to explore the country you visit. You might get up too early without anything fun to do. You’ll go to the beach, and you’ll definitely need a mate to keep you company there.

If you’re an avid reader, a great book is a must-have. Even if you’re not a sworn reader, you should still take a good book with you. If a hard copy is too much for you, then you’ll surely appreciate an e-reader.

Tiffany Taylor, a writer for BestEssays, never travels without a book. “I always think I won’t need it. I have so many things to do and so many places to see…” - she says. “But I pack a book or two anyway. As it turns out, the book ends up to be a special reminder of that special trip. I always read at least one.”

Your Devices

You’ll need your phone, right? You might decide to take an e-reader, too. You absolutely need your camera! If you plan to do some work on the computer or you want to blog while you’re traveling, you’ll also need the laptop. Chances are, you’ll want to take your tablet with you, too. It’s great for going through your photos in larger format without the need to turn the laptop on.

All these devices come with accessories. Do not forget to take all chargers, a USB cable, and backup batteries for your camera. If you do a lot of exploring, consider getting a GPS watch, too.

A Water Bottle with Filter

In most tourist destinations, water is quite expensive. Come on; do you really want to spend 4€ on a bottle of water in Nice? Tap water, on the other hand, is free. If you want to make sure it’s good for drinking, you can filter it. The filter will improve its taste and will make it lighter.

A water bottle with filter is a small investment that goes a long way.

Medications and Cosmetics

You don’t take prescription meds and you rarely ever get a headache, so you think you can simply skip packing them? Don’t! It’s best not to need medications, but it’s always important to have them, just in case. Pack some painkillers and antiemetics (in case you get diarrhea or you start vomiting).

Cosmetics are just as important! A good cream with a high SPF is a must! It doesn’t matter whether you easily get sunburns or not; be diligent with the applications, so you’ll protect your skin from the damaging sun. You’ll also need a night cream for your face, as well as an after-sun lotion to soothe the skin on your body after a long day in the sun. You’ll thank us for this one: pack an eye mask, too! When you’re an active traveler, you don’t get to rest as much as you’d like to. A cooling eye mask will make you feel fresh and ready to grab the new adventures.

Even when you travel alone, you still need your travel mates. They will make your stay safer and more comfortable. Never start a trip without those essentials!    


Short bio

Warren is a marketing enthusiast and a blogger at BestEssays.com, who loves music. If he doesn’t have a guitar in his hands, he’s probably embracing new technologies and marketing techniques online! You can meet him on Twitter and Facebook.

Vibeke Johannessen

My name is Vibeke. A travel blogger and a photographer from Norway. I am posting about my journey around the world as well as my experiences living in Ecuador.


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