7 Things to Know About Before Travelling to The UK

The United Kingdom is huge, and there’s a lot to see. It’s also a very unique place. If you’ve never been there before, you might be surprised to find that it’s a lot more complex than you’ve expected. In order to make the most of your trip to the UK, you’ll want to prepare ahead of time.

1. You Might Need Power Adapters

The UK has completely different power outlets from any other country. They’ve got their own style, and you’re going to need adapters for all your electronics. It helps to bring several, in case you want to charge your phone while you’re working on your laptop. Buy them before you go, because tourist shops are likely to charge much more.

2. There Are Region Restrictions on Some Services

You might not be able to watch your American shows in the UK. The same goes for YouTube videos. If you plan to stream video, watch the news, or even play certain online games while you’re away, you might need to use a VPN. If your connection appears as though you’re in a blocked region, you won’t get access to the content you want.

3. The Public Transit System is Unique

The London Underground is huge. If you don’t plan to rent a car during your trip, you’ll be spending a lot of time on trains. A lot of people rely on the trains, and they run on a regular schedule. During busy times, there may be delays. The trains may be so full that you can’t get on. Make sure you always leave a lot earlier than you think you’ll need to. It’s better to be an hour early than to miss an event.

4. Multiple Languages Are Spoken

A lot of people travel to the UK because they don’t see the language barrier being a problem. In reality, there as three different variants of Scottish languages, Irish Gaelic, Cornish, and Welsh being spoken at any given time. While a lot of the UK does speak English, you can’t reasonably expect that you’ll never trip over some language obstacles.

5. Lines Are Orderly

Queuing is a big deal. The UK is notorious for its orderly lines. It’s common decency that lines naturally form and everyone waits patiently. When visiting a hot spot for tourism, these lines will likely form quite quickly. Be careful not to jump the line or push your way through a crowd that appears to be queuing. Even the most polite UK residents will be quick to correct you.

6. The Weather is Volatile

Always have an umbrella. Full sunlight doesn’t regularly occur in the UK because of the way it’s positioned on the globe. It can rain at any moment, and you might notice that locals carry umbrellas even on days that appear to be clear and beautiful. Don’t get soaked and spoil your plans – be prepared that it may rain at any moment.

7. The Culture is Rich

The UK has its own distinctive brands of art, literature, and even comedy. Watch A Bit of Fry and Laurie, read a Douglas Adams novel, and indulge in a Sunday roast. See a cricket game, or watch the cheese rolling. Yes, cheese rolling is an annual sport in Gloucester. 

The UK is uniquely rich, and if you have the chance to appreciate it for all of its quirks, you’re going to have a memorable trip. Don’t forget to have a pint or two with the locals.

Vibeke Johannessen

My name is Vibeke. A travel blogger and a photographer from Norway. I am posting about my journey around the world as well as my experiences living in Ecuador.


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