7 Ways Travellers Can Make Extra Money Online

Don’t you just envy those folks who seem like they have a crap-ton of money to spend travelling to different countries?

Sure, you might want to be in their shoes but you just can’t help but wonder how they’re able to sustain such an exciting lifestyle. So now, the million-dollar question is, how do these people make money while travelling?

You’ll be surprised to know that there are many cool ways to earn some cash while living the life of an adventure-seeking nomad. With a laptop and an Internet connection, here are 7 ways you can make extra money online while travelling:

#1 Start Your Own Travel Blog

Sure, it’s not the most foolproof way to earn a huge income but with a bit of time and effort, you can earn some cash that’ll help fund a portion of your travels.

Thanks to sponsored content and ad revenue, a successful blog can earn as much as $1,000 (or more) per month. It’s a great way to keep the world updated of your latest adventures, all while earning extra income on the side.

However, if you really don’t have the time to run your own blog during travels, you can…

#2 Write for Travel Blogs

This is a more hassle-free way to earn money while travelling. Doing so can also help you connect with like-minded travellers. And if they’re running a popular blog, you can reach more people and let them know about your escapades. Not only will this help you get better insights about the places you’ve travelled to, you can also improve your writing skills along the way.

#3 Cash for Work

It may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but working while exploring new places can get you the much-needed funds for your itinerary. There are a lot of good online job listings out there and you’re spoiled for choice with great opportunities to take advantage of. Heck, you can even work for several hours in exchange for a room to stay in!

#4 Teach English

If you’re a native English speaker or just really fluent in it, there are more job opportunities that you can grab, especially if you’re travelling to non-English speaking countries. In Asia alone, there’s a high demand for English teachers – especially in Japan, Korea and China. Visit online English tutorial programs, send in your resume, and you’ll be amazed at the number of interviews you’ll land.

#5 Work as a Freelance Writer

Whatever your field of interest, there are so many online freelance work ready for the taking. For instance, if writing is your forte and you want to help students with their academic papers, why not work as a freelance writer and get paid for your assistance?

If you’re looking for a reliable company that pays its writers well, just check testimonials over here and you’ll quickly be directed to the right place. With good performance, you’ll have better chances of landing top gigs with higher pay that can surely sustain your travels.

#6 Sell Your Travel Photos

Love to capture your best travel moments through photos? Instead of just posting them on Instagram, why not earn cash by licensing them for commercial or editorial use? A lot of travel companies and national tourism agencies buy photos online, and your shots might just be the ones they need! You can even become a contributor for stock photo websites like Shutterstock, where you can earn a commission for every sale.

#7 Be a Social Media Manager

A lot of entrepreneurs prefer to do business online, and the need for social media managers to help them reach their customers is skyrocketing.

The great thing about this is that it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to learn the tricks of the trade. If you’re a social media junkie, social media management is a pretty easy skill to learn. What’s more, all the work is done online! It’s no doubt one of the easiest ways to earn money while travelling.

And that’s it! As you can see, it takes time and effort to earn money while trying to achieve your travel goals. However, it’s not impossible as you initially thought it would be. As long as you remain passionate and realistic with the opportunity you’ve chosen, working while exploring the world doesn’t sound like a bad idea at all.

I’m sure there are many other ways to make extra money online while you’re on the road so if you have anything to add or share, feel free to leave them in the comments below.


Author’s Bio

Carol is very keen on teaching students new, effective ways of learning. When not freelancing and blogging on education-related matters, Carol enjoys travelling. She takes immense pleasure of visiting new countries.

Vibeke Johannessen

My name is Vibeke. A travel blogger and a photographer from Norway. I am posting about my journey around the world as well as my experiences living in Ecuador.


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