A Pacific Paradise: Best Vacation Spots in Hawaii
There’s nothing quite like feeling the sun’s warm embrace, the sea breeze combing your hair, and the calming sound of waves crashing against the sand.
Admit it: you’re reading this article right now, thinking about how awesome it would be to be in that scenario. Don’t you just wish you could be living in that moment, free from the stress of everyday life? Well, it’s high time you went on that well-deserved vacation. But where?
Why not try Hawaii? It’s one of the most popular travel destinations in the world, and for good reason. Hawaii has some of the most picturesque beaches and landscapes in the world. Also, Hawaii weather is pleasant year-round, which means you’ll be able to get that tan you’ve always wanted while enjoying an ice-cold bottle of beer. Where is the best vacation spot in Hawaii? Here are our top candidates:
1. Waikiki Beach (Oahu)
Photo by Alan Light, Flickr
Arguably one of the most popular spots in Hawaii, Waikiki Beach is known for its stretch of beautiful white sand beaches lined with world-class hotels and resorts. This Oahu beach was once the vacation spot of the Hawaiian elite, and you could see why. It has become one of the most recognizable beaches in the world and is visited by thousands of tourists daily. This spot also has kid-friendly waves for those who have little ones eager to learn how to surf, making it the best vacation spot in Hawaii for families.
2. Hawaii National Volcano Park (Big Island)
Photo by Thomas Tunsch, Flickr
Not everyone can say they’ve stood within a few hundred meters from a volcano. In Hawaii, you can do just that. After all, the whole group of islands were formed by ancient volcanic activity. These eruptions still persist to this day, although not as violent as before. You can catch a glimpse of active eruptions but be sure to always follow the guidance of the park rangers to prevent getting yourself into danger.
3. Kona Coffee Farms (Big Island)
Photo by Heather Smith, Pexels
If you’re one of those people who just can’t last a day without coffee, then you may want to visit the Kona Coffee Farms and spend the whole day learning about how your favorite beverage comes to be. Tour the area to see a coffee bean’s journey from harvesting to processing. And the best part: you can get to taste many variants of coffee after!
4. Oahu’s North Shore
Photo by Emlyn Stokes, Flickr
A trip to Hawaii can almost be considered a pilgrimage for surfer’s from all around the world, and that’s largely due to its claim to fame: huge waves perfect for surfing. These waves swell to as high as, brace yourselves, 30 feet! Anyone who’s anybody in the surfing world has to tame these monster winter swells even just once in their lives.
5. Arizona Memorial (Oahu)
Photo by Eng Yew Lee, Flickr
War always leaves stains in the fabric of mankind’s history, and it’s important to educate people (young or old) about its horrors. The attack at Pearl Harbor by the Japanese Imperial Army in 1941 is what finally pushed the United States of America to join the World War. More than half a century later, the Arizona Memorial stands as a reminder of how bad things can get and how it is important we prevent this kind of global conflict to happen again. Visit the memorial to soak up some history and learn about the attack on Oahu.
6. Akaka Falls (Big Island)
Photo by @scohoust, Flickr
Do you want other scenic spots to go to apart from beaches? Take a short hike to catch a glimpse of one of Hawaii’s most famous waterfalls. Looking at the Akaka Falls is pretty much like looking at a movie screenshot because of how beautiful it is. Standing at over 440 feet, the Akaka Falls is a beauty to behold. Be sure to pack everything you need for travel photography, especially if you want to catch the falling water vaporize with the wind.
7. The Road to Hana (Maui)
Photo by Tony Faiola, Flickr
Just the sound of that makes you think that this road has the makings of a legendary adventure, and you’re totally right. The Road to Hana is one scenic road trip and can be one of the best honeymoon spots in Hawaii. This is a perfect activity for lovers who enjoy long, romantic drives. This can even be a family affair, and if that’s the case, you have to be prepared when having to deal with kids during road trips.
The whole trip will also bring you along with many picturesque views and can be the perfect time to practice your travel photography skills...
8. Kalaupapa National Historical Park (Molokai)
Photo by Lisa Sasser, Flickr
This is another one for the history buffs out there who want to broaden their mind with more stories from the past. The Kalaupapa National Historical Park pays homage to the residents who suffered leprosy since 1866 largely because they weren’t immune to Western diseases. It is a great place to get in touch with your spirituality.
9. Lanikai Beach (Oahu)
Photo by Matt Sims, Flickr
If Waikiki Beach and its lively horde of tourists isn’t something you’d enjoy very much, you can opt to take a trip to Lanikai Beach instead. This beach is consistently rated as one of the best beaches not just in Hawaii but also the world, and is a popular spot for kayaking and stand-up paddle boarding. You could even spend time sunbathing here if you’re still jet-lagged.
10. Punalu’u, Black Sand Beach
Photo by Rex Gray, Flickr
So far the beaches on this list had pristine white sand beaches. But have you ever considered going to a black sand beach? Fun fact: The black sand is actually the result of molten lava from nearby volcanoes cooling and fragmenting until it turned into what exists today. But the main reason you’ll want to go here is the area’s abundant marine life. Arrange an excursion to catch endangered Hawksbill and green sea turtles nesting on this pristine beach.
Hawaii Has So Much More to Offer...
These are just a fraction of what you can do in the paradise they call Hawaii. Get yourself a tan at the beach, learn about the archipelago’s history, go volcano-watching---whatever you do, you’ll definitely have fun in Hawaii. Now that you have an idea of what you can do for your vacation, why don’t you book flights to Hawaii right now?