30 Photos That Will Make You Pack Your Bags And Visit The Galapagos Islands

Traveling to the Galapagos Islands is a dream for many people. There is no better place on this planet to experience such a unique wildlife. These species on the Galapagos Islands inspired Charles Darwin with his evolution theory.

Here are 30 photos that will make you pack your bags and visit the Galapagos Islands:

Blue-Footed Boobies, North Seymour Island

Tortuga Bay

Giant Tortoise, Darwin Research Station

Cactus, Las Grietas

Tortuga Bay

Canal del Amor

Playa De Los Perros

Blue-Footed Bobby, North Seymour Island

Marine Iguanas, Playa De Los Perros

Frigate Bird, North Seymour Island

Tortuga Bay

Las Grietas

Land Iguana, North Seymour Island

Tortuga Bay

Penguins at Isabela Island

Bachas Beach

Frigatebird,  North Seymor Island

Puerto Ayora

Flamingos, Isabela Island

Garrapatero Beach

Giant Tortoise Breeding centre, Isabela Island

Bachas Beach

Penguins, Isabela Island

Grapsus Grapsus Crab, Bachas Beach

Galapagos Sea Lion, Isabela Island

Juvenile Frigatebird, North Seymour Island

Tintoreras, Isabela Island

Puerto Ayora

Tortuga Bay

Tortuga Bay

Vibeke Johannessen

My name is Vibeke. A travel blogger and a photographer from Norway. I am posting about my journey around the world as well as my experiences living in Ecuador.


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