10 Best Instagram Spots In Quito, Ecuador

You can find a lot of attractive Instagram spots in Ecuador's capital. Everything from craters, lookouts, monuments and urban city life.

Here is a list of the 10 best Instagram spots in Quito.


1. Parque Itchimbia

This amazing park is a perfect getaway from the busy city of Quito. It is great for families and dogs. You will see this huge letters with a beautiful view of old town behind you.


2. Basilica del Voto Nacional

This is from after walking to the top in La Basilica. You will see the clock tower and El Panecillo in the middle.


3. Museo de Sitio Intiaan

This middle of the world museum is considered to be more exact on the equator than the Mitad del Mundo monument. You can get a tour around the museum where you will experience cool experiments when you are on the equator like balancing eggs etc.


4. Teleferiqo and Pichincha

Taking the cable cart Teleferiqo costs you around $8 dollars. You can hike up to the volcano Pichincha which will take you around 4 hours. Make sure you have enough clothes on you. The Teleferiqo reaches up to 4050 meters above sea level.


5.Crater Pululahua

If you are going to Mitad del Mundo you can drive further North and you will see Pululahua. You can also hike down to the crater.


6. Mitad del Mundo

Mitad del Mundo is a monument that was thought to be the middle of the equator, however, the French explorers missed it with roughly 200 meters.


7. El Panecillo

This is a view of El Panecillo from the old town. It is a steep walk up.


8. La Basilica from the inside

When you visit La Basilica you should go all the way to the top, on the way you will see this beautiful glasswork.


9. Skate park in La Carolina

To get the best atmosphere of the lively park, go to La Carolina on a Sunday afternoon.


10. Close up of Panecillo

You can hike up to Panecillo from the old town, it will take you roughly 30 minutes, or you can take a taxi. The Quito tourist bus also goes up to Panecillo.Have you been to Quito? Which one of these places would you check out?


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Vibeke Johannessen

My name is Vibeke. A travel blogger and a photographer from Norway. I am posting about my journey around the world as well as my experiences living in Ecuador.


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