What To Pack For A Trip To The Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

It is so important to be prepared for the Galapagos Islands. One of the most important things is to know what to pack. Here is my top list of what to pack for a trip to the Galapagos Islands.


You will regret not having an underwater camera if you don't bring one. The newest Go Pro Hero 5 is the best on the market. I still regret today not getting the newest one when I was in Galapagos. I had a Go Pro 2 and it is so bad compared to the newest Go Pro. You have a screen so you will see the photos you take. You can shoot 4k videos and the photo quality is better than ever. It also automatically adds the photos to GoPro plus cloud so you can access the photos from your phone right away. Don't forget to add at least a 64 GB memory card. You don't want to have a full memory when you are already underwater


A Go Pro itself is not enough. You want to use kits like a selfie-stick, head strap and a floaty. Wouldnt it sucks to lose your Go Pro underwater and not being able to get it ever? 


If you are more serious about your photography you might as well buy an underwater housing for your DSLR camera. Starting from $400 Makes it also cheaper than a Go Pro! Make sure you choose the one for your camera.


Even though many of the day tours and cruises provide snorkels I recommend bringing your own. I spent lots of time fiddling with my snorkel because the ones they give out are not the best. With almost 500 positive reviews on Amazon, this will sure give you a great snorkel experience. 


Being on a cruise in the Galapagos Islands means you can get wet and when you get wet, your stuff can get wet.

Unique water-tight DOUBLE overlap roll top provides the best-in-class waterproof performance. You can use it for your camera, phone or a travel bag without being worried if it will get wet.


If you are travelling by land in the Galapagos a smaller backpack for day trips is essential. This bag is comfy, lightweight and best of all, it's waterproof!


I strongly recommend this usable water bottle. You will drink a lot of water in Galapagos because it is insanely hot. When you go to a place like that you should also have the environment in mind, and not buying 5 plastic bottles a day that you will not use again.


This towel is ideal for The Galapagos because it is dark and it dries easily. The fact that a dark towel is basically perfect because the ground on The Galapagos can be muddy, red sand that doesn't look good on a regular white towel.  


Packing cubes are essential. You want to separate your wet clothes and the dirty especially when you are packing to leave the Galapagos. Stuff will get wet and sandy.


Is the best sunscreen for the Galapagos. Be aware you need to put it on every 80 mins, this is advised for all sunscreens. 

The Sun is strong on the equator, especially when you are also swimming or snorkelling. Neutrogena Ultra Sheer dry is the best sunscreen for the Galapagos. Be aware you need to put it on every 80 mins, this is advised for all sunscreens. 

Is the best sunscreen for the Galapagos. Be aware you need to put it on every 80 mins, this is advised for all sunscreens. e

You might think that it isn't mosquitos in the Galapagos, but it is. This natural insect repellent is perfect for you if you also care about the environment around you and want to avoid spraying toxins around the island. 


You will most likely be on a boat when you go to the Galapagos. And it is far out on the Pacific Ocean. The boat rides can get quite bumpy and you don't want to ruin your trip by puking and feeling sick. I recommend taking this one hour before the boat trip, especially if you go to the Islands farther out.


Oh, how I wished I used this. You might not only- swim or snorkel from a soft sanded beach, The Galapagos has a lot of volcanic rock and it hurts so much to step on that, trust me. This will save you.  


These great hiking shoes are perfect for the Galapagos. They are waterproof and perfect for hiking on the volcanic rocks on the Galapagos Islands. 


You must use a hat when you are in  Galapagos, the sun is so strong and a small cap is not enough, it should cover your face and neck. This one is perfect where it doesn't fly away if it gets windy on the boat.


As said, the sun is incredibly strong and bright on the Galapagos Islands. And you need good UV protection. I love these stylish sunglasses. 


This stylish wetsuit by Cynthia Rowley is perfect for snorkelling and diving on The Galapagos Islands. If you will be in the water a lot you should cover your arms and shoulders to prevent getting very sunburned.  


There are beautiful beaches in the Galapagos Islands. And you should definitely check out Tortuga Bay. This bikini set is hot and lace ups are quite in this year.


If you want more fashionable swimsuit while swimming or snorkelling this is the one. It will really make you stand out.


Playsuits are great for the Galapagos, especially if you are on a boat. It might get quite windy and also if you walk up the ladder to top deck, you don't want everyone to see your undies. Playsuits are comfy and this chiffon is perfect where it feels light and doesn't get sticky when you sweat and have sunscreen on.


A cover-up is essential in the Galapagos Islands, not only when you are on the beach but when you are on the cruise and walking around the Islands as well. The sun is strong and it is hot so this will cover you and it won't feel too hot to wear.


Airy pants are nice to use in the Galapagos but forget about sweaty jeans. This will not feel hot while you wear this and you are more protected against the sun.


I recommend buying this book some weeks before going to the Galapagos. It is so important to be prepared so you get most out of your trip. You can read about the different islands so you can figure out which one you want to visit. It is also recommendations on where to stay, cruises and where to eat. 


This book is essential if you want to travel to the Galapagos Islands on a budget. You might end up booking tours in the last minute and you will get local guides. Most of them speak basic English, but if most of the travellers on the tours are Spanish speaking they will prefer speaking that. 



  • Bring a dark towel(s), the ground can be muddy and volcanic rock, you don't want to ruin your pretty white towels.

  • Skip the jeans and warm clothes, you don't need it.

  • Use something to cover your shoulders when you snorkel and swim, the wetsuit/surf sweater is ideal for this. You will get sunburned even though you use SPF 50+, so sun cream itself it is not enough, especially if you have fair skin as me.

  • Bring a small trip backpack for the daily trips, even better if it is waterproof.

  • You don't need many sweaters, it is hot, but a thin rain jacket is good.

  • Don't forget an underwater camera, if you can't afford a go pro, you can hire at tour operators or hotels, but ask in advance.

  • It is better to bring your own snorkel equipment. The tours and boats usually lend them to you but they can be very bad. 

  • Bring seasick tablets and you should take it whenever you are on a boat trip to the Islands, especially the ones that are farther away.

Have you been to the Galapagos Islands or would you go? What else would you pack? 

Vibeke Johannessen

My name is Vibeke. A travel blogger and a photographer from Norway. I am posting about my journey around the world as well as my experiences living in Ecuador.


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