Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Study Abroad

We live in a time where many young people prefer to travel the world or study at university or college. If you want both, why not combine it?

It has never been easier to travel or study abroad. There is so many destinations and programs to choose from as well.

In 2012 I decided to do a Bachelor in Photography in Australia. I loved it and had the best time of my life! Here are my top 10 reasons why you should study abroad:

1. You will become independent

Studying abroad will help you to become more independent and it will enlighten your inner will and the ability to make own decisions and not rely on your parents or society in general.

2. See your own country with a new lens

By studying abroad you will see your country with new eyes. You will be aware of differences and appreciate what’s unique about your home country.I left Norway thinking it is a boring country. But after some time abroad I loved my own country and had a much better view of my own culture. And best of all. I LOVED coming back to Norway after being away for a long time.

3. Develop your communication skills

Chances are high that they will use a different language in the country you chose to study in. If so, great! You can practice the new language. I had spoken Norwegian 20 years of my life. I already knew English well before I went to Australia, however I became fluent less than 6 months in Australia.

4. More career opportunities

Many employers look for candidates who can push themselves and have international experience. Some employers also think it is a plus being interesting – and I think we can agree on that people that have studied abroad have great stories to tell.

5. Make friends from all over the world

You will meet a diverse range of people, not only locals in your new country, but also other international students! My first months in Australia I met people form EVERYWHERE, and now 4 years later I have made some really good friends from that time. How awesome is it to have friends all over the world? You can meet them when you travel to their country.

6. Get out of your comfort zone

By leaving everything that is comfortable at home, will make you take risks that you normally wouldn’t do if you were in your home country. I experienced that it was much easier to make friends when I studied abroad, because I decided to take that risk and become more social. I was placed in a student accommodation with 4 other girls, which made it easy to connect with people from day 1.

7. It looks good on your CV

 Studying abroad doesn’t only give you good stories to tell, but it looks great on your CV. It shows that you work hard for what you want in life. And it makes you more interesting than people that studied it at the local university or college in your home country.

8. Travel more

You will get opportunities to travel around the country you live in and maybe also countries nearby. If you study in Belgium for example, you can easily travel around Europe because of the short distances to the crossing countries. I travelled all over Australia when I studied there, and I absolutely loved it. You will also have more time to explore non-touristic places.

9. Gain life experiences

 One of my top reasons to study abroad was to gain life experiences. You will learn how to live your life in a completely different way. It will give you different beliefs of the world and the future, that you will not have in the same way if you lived the same life in your home country.

10. Learn more about yourself

Living in a completely new environment will make you see different sides of yourself and grow as a person. You will expand your personality by taking the risk of studying abroad. It makes you rely on yourself more than you have ever done before. You might also find new  interests that you can use in the future.


Are you considering studying abroad? Or do you regret not studying abroad? Leave a comment below.

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Vibeke Johannessen

My name is Vibeke. A travel blogger and a photographer from Norway. I am posting about my journey around the world as well as my experiences living in Ecuador.


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