Take Better Travel Photos by Following These Tips

Did you know that 71% of adults have traveled internationally at some point in their lives? While travel may have slowed down in the past couple of years, more and more people are getting back on planes, trains, and automobiles to explore other countries. And for some, taking photographs is an important part of the journey. Do you have an upcoming trip on the horizon? Documenting your travels through photography is a great way to preserve the memories you make. Learn how to take better travel photos with these helpful tips below. 

Know Your Camera

The most important tip in taking the best travel photos is to get to know your camera beforehand. Read the instruction manual, try all of the settings, and test how it performs in low light and high exposure. Understanding its strengths and weaknesses will help you get better photographs. 

Understand Light

Many photographers talk about the Golden Hour, which is the time around sunrise and sunset when the light is optimum for shooting. Also known as the Magic Hour, the diffused lighting and sunrise and sunset colors in the sky can create a stunning backdrop for your subjects. It's worth scheduling your shots around this time to make them truly special--but if you can't, understand how light behaves during other parts of the day, too. 

Create Compositions

If you are looking for more top travel photography tips, one of the key ones is learning how to create compositions in your shots. Many photographers use the Rule of Thirds to place the primary elements for the viewer to focus on in the shot. Experiment with placement in your images until you understand how to craft a dynamic image. 

Find Your Style

One thing to consider when shooting travel photography is your style. The more photos you take, you may notice a theme or pattern of certain kinds of pictures. Figure out what you love to shoot in your vacation pictures, and then nurture that in order to develop your own personal hallmark style. 

Edit Your Travel Photos

Once you've taken photos, the fun begins. While getting a good shot is important, sometimes the difference between a nice photo and a great one is in editing it correctly. Edit your travel photos like a pro with special tools and presets from flourishpresets.com

Take Better Photos

Now that you've read about how to take better travel photos, you can be proactive and try out some of these techniques on your own. Always do a trial run with your equipment before you go on a trip, and make sure you are comfortable using it. Then take the time to plan out your shots and tailor your schedule to get the ones you need. 

Did you enjoy this article? Want to learn more useful tricks? Then check out the Travel Tips section on this site for more helpful advice! 

Vibeke Johannessen

My name is Vibeke. A travel blogger and a photographer from Norway. I am posting about my journey around the world as well as my experiences living in Ecuador.


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