Tips And Tricks For Documenting Your Journeys

When you embark on an exciting journey, you want to hold on to the memories of your trip. But’s all too easy to forget the little details.

If you want to preserve your travelling journeys for years to come, it’s best to document as you go. Here are a few tips and tricks for documenting your journeys:

Write A Journal

When you embark on a journey that takes in a number of different destinations, it’s easy to forget where exactly you went and what exactly you did. It all becomes a bit of a whirlwind. Noting down your destinations and your experiences in a journal is a great way to save all of those memories for years to come. It can also come in really useful if you decide to visit a particular country again or a friend is looking for recommendations for their upcoming trip.

Save Mementoes

Every traveller knows that space is at a premium in their backpack. You’ll have it fit to bursting with your journey essentials. But if you can spare a little room in your case, save a few mementoes from your travels. Ticket stubs, postcards, accommodation and restaurant business cards or even receipts are all easy and light to carry. Sandwich them between the pages of a book and then find a place to save them when you get home. They’ll all provoke great memories when you look back.

Write a Blog

If you like the idea of blogging about your journey, you don’t need a heavy laptop. Just regularly head to a local internet café and get typing. There are lots of online platforms for blogging – you may want to set something up before you leave home – and it’s a great way to travel light whilst documenting your memories. But if you don’t like the idea of your holiday memories being made so public, send friends or family (or even yourself) email updates. You can always look back through your sent messages and maybe print them off to remind you of your travel story.

Keep Videos Short and Sweet

Holiday videos that never end are no-one’s idea of a good time. Luckily smartphone cameras make filming quick snippets really easy. Don’t be afraid to shoot often but keep each video fairly short. These little videos, when spliced together, will provide a wonderful overview of your trip that won’t have you bored after the first few minutes. Some videographers choose to keep it even shorter. You can download an app that allows you to video a second of every day, perfect for capturing the events of a long journey.

Capture Local Life with Photography

When you’re photographing a place, aim to get a good cross-section of photos. Images of important monuments and spectacular landscapes are great but they don’t give the whole story. Get a real sense of the country you’re visiting by asking local people if you can take their photo. As long as you’re polite and show them the photo you’ve taken, they should be fine with it. Also, look around for the little details that communicate a lot about the place you’re in. It could be fish brought up by local fisherman, ornate tiles in a hallway or items of traditional dress. Looking back over your photos at home, these images of local life will transport you straight back to your travels.

Documenting your journey can allow you to see things you wouldn’t ordinarily have noticed. It can help you to pick out the most important aspects of your trip and save those memories forever. Whether you write, video, photograph or save mementoes, keep it up throughout your trip to get a true sense of your experiences.


Author’s bio

With her great interest in business, digital marketing and self-growth, Camilla Dabney supports as a Content Coordinator. Whenever not working, she enjoys spending her time traveling around the world, jogging and rock climbing. Feel free to follow her on her Twitter.

Vibeke Johannessen

My name is Vibeke. A travel blogger and a photographer from Norway. I am posting about my journey around the world as well as my experiences living in Ecuador.


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