Ways to Make Your Next Camping Trip More Enjoyable

Camping can be a fun, relaxing way to enjoy the great outdoors. But if you’re not prepared, it can turn into a nightmare. From soggy gear to biting insects, things can easily go awry when you’re trying to get away from civilization.

Thankfully, with a few simple preparations, you can make your next camping trip a lot more fun and stress-free.

Pack Birthday Candles

Even if you’re not celebrating a birthday, you might want to consider packing some birthday candles. Specifically, trick candles. These candles don’t extinguish when they’re blown on. Frustrating for the birthday girl/boy, handy for campers. Because they don’t extinguish easily, you can use trick candles to help light a campfire without worrying that the wind will blow it out before sufficiently lighting a log.

Pre-Prepare Food

It can be messy trying to prepare a meal on a dirty picnic table or forest floor. What’s even more frustrating is trying to make food when you’re already tired and hungry from a day of hiking, canoeing, and other outdoor activities. That’s why we recommend making some meals in the comfort of your own home and taking them with you to cook later. There’s nothing like a delicious tin foil dinner to make your camping experience authentic and stress-free. Plus, you won’t have to worry about packing condiments and other things that take up room.

Consider Your Transportation

And speaking of room, you’ll want plenty of it when you go camping. Whether you’re an avid camper or a one-time experience seeker, you’ll want a vehicle that can get you where you need to go safely and efficiently. For example, the honda cr-v 2019 is a favorite among travelers for its roomy cargo space and tight handling. You don’t want to get stuck in the middle of nowhere in a two-wheel drive beater. Even if you have to spend a little extra money renting a car for the weekend, it’s worth it in the time and stress you’ll save knowing that you’re safe and that you have room for essential camping gear.

Bring the First Aid Kit

A car isn’t the only thing to think about when preparing for a safe camping trip. In the great outdoors, there are plenty of things that scratch, sting, and bite, and those things can make a camper miserable. Save yourself some grief by packing a first aid kit, complete with bandaids and antibiotic ointment, insect repellent, hydrocortisone cream (for bites), gauze, ace bandages, aspirin, and any prescription medicine you need. Don’t forget an EpiPen if you have allergies. 

You can also find all sorts of natural remedies for mosquito bites. For example, if you still have ice left in your cooler, just hold a piece of ice on a mosquito bite to help reduce inflammation and relieve the itch. If you can’t get the little bloodsuckers to stay away, you can try natural repellents such as smoke, ginger, or dryer sheets.

Sleep Warm and Dry

To get the most out of your camping experience, you’ll want to get some good sleep. This can be hard to do if you’re cold or wet. A few simple tricks can help you make your night under the stars a little more comfortable. First, fill your water bottle with hot water and put it in your sleeping bag to help you keep warm. You can snuggle with it or put it next to your feet. Second, keep a separate pair of socks in your sleeping bag just for sleeping. That way you can change out of dirty, wet socks and have a fresh pair to put on before bed. And third, try stuffing the bottom of your sleeping bag with dry clothes to keep your feet warm and soak up unwanted moisture. 

Hopefully, with these tips, your next camping trip can be comfortable and enjoyable. When you finish packing and preparing, remember to double check that you’ve got your camera. That way you can document the great adventures you’ll have!  

Vibeke Johannessen

My name is Vibeke. A travel blogger and a photographer from Norway. I am posting about my journey around the world as well as my experiences living in Ecuador.


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