How Solar Power Can Transform Your Camping Experience

Solar power is soon to become the defining power source, and it is said that the sun provides enough energy to power everything we need, and a lot more, and with an estimated 500 million years of life left, the sun can provide all our energy needs for an infinite amount of time.

While the solar rays have always contained energy, we have only recently been able to create panels that transform the solar energy into usable power, which can then be stored in a battery. If you happen to live in Australia, you’ll no doubt love camping, and with more sunshine than we know what to do with, equipping your RV or campervan with some panels and a deep cycle battery is the perfect way to generate clean and renewable power to run the many appliances we have come to rely on.

Solar Panel Development

Early versions of the solar panel were indeed bulky, and weighing in at around 25kg, they weren’t exactly portable, yet the latest generation of solar panels actually come in mat form, and weighs about one third of its solid predecessor. This is the perfect way to provide all the power you need when camping, and Korr Lighting have the AGM deep cycle battery for sale you need in order to store all that energy. This combination is really all you need today, and with highly efficient solar panels that can draw energy even on a cloudy day, you have a year round power supply, which couldn’t be cleaner. Eco-friendly campers will really appreciate that their requirements are not causing more damage to the environment, and using solar energy dramatically reduces your carbon footprint.

Deep Cycle Battery Power

If you own an RV or motorhome, you will no doubt have a dual battery system on the vehicle, and the deep cycle battery can be used to store the sun’s energy that the solar mat transfers, giving you a continuous energy supply to run your unit. You can finally put that generator up for sale, and by investing in a state of the art deep cycle battery and a few solar mats, your power needs are taken care of, wherever you wish to go.

Deep Discharge Batteries

The car battery is designed to provide short bursts of energy, which is enough to turn the engine and allow ignition to happen, and the battery does not have to provide a deep discharge, whereas a deep cycle battery is designed to be deeply discharged on a regular basis, and by recharging at specific levels of discharge, you can optimise the life of the battery, and it continue to deliver for a long time. Ideally, one would discharge 45-75% before charging, and by following the manufacturer’s recommendations regarding correct product care, the unit will provide you will all your power needs. If you would like a more detailed description of a deep cycle battery, there is an informative article that clearly highlights the benefits and also the potential applications. 

Camping will never be the same, and you can feel good in the knowledge that you are no longer a part of the environment pollution, but are in fact, part of the solution. 

Vibeke Johannessen

My name is Vibeke. A travel blogger and a photographer from Norway. I am posting about my journey around the world as well as my experiences living in Ecuador.


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