Rumiloma Hotel - The Cosiest Hotel in Quito, Ecuador

Have you ever stayed in a hotel where you feel like you are in a different time?

Rumiloma is one of the cosiest hotels I have ever stayed in. It is up to the mountain close to the Cable car Teleferico and Pichincha volcano.  If you are looking for a romantic getaway where you can also enjoy spa treatments, private dinner and bird watching.


Restaurant and reception

The yellow house is the reception and the restaurant. We didn't stay there that much because we got all of the food to our hotel room and the balcony.

Inside the restaurant in the main building. You can also come here to just eat dinner and lunch. Note that you should book that ahead as well. Especially dinner.


The garden 

That is the hotel rooms which is not a part of the main building.

There are many alpacas and llamas that comes and goes around the garden. They are not very shy either.


 The room

The copper bathtub is so charming. I tried it out and it was hot water from the beginning. You even got to use bobbles that they give you

The room is enormous and has two levels.

They fire up the chimney around 6 pm which will keep the hotel room nice and warm all night.



It is an awesome retreat getting a breakfast like this on the balcony with this view.

Vibeke Johannessen

My name is Vibeke. A travel blogger and a photographer from Norway. I am posting about my journey around the world as well as my experiences living in Ecuador.


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