The Liebster Award
The Liebster Award is an international award by bloggers for bloggers. Liebster is german and means kindest, nicest lovely, dearest etc.
Caitlin reached out to me and nominated me. Thank you so much for that. Check out her blog escapereno and the wonderful post by clicking here.
The Liebster award is a simple way to connect and reach out to other bloggers. Here are the rules. Here are the 10 questions Caitlin had for me.
1. Where’s your favourite spot in the USA?
I am from Norway and have unfortunately not had the opportunity to visit the US yet. I have only been to airports like Fort Lauderdale and JFK. I want to do a road trip through most of the states during spring or summer. I would especially love to visit California, Utah, Arizona, Wyoming and Hawaii.
2. What’s the best food you’ve eaten while travelling?
I love Indian food, even though I haven't been to India. Their food it is definitely my favourite. I also love Italian food. I was there last in 2005, but I still remember the amazing taste and whenever I get the chance I choose Italian.
3. What souvenir do you collect from your travels?
I love collecting figures. The last trip I went to was Cuban and I brought a figure of a man playing on an acoustic guitar while smoking a cigar. I have also collected figures like the Eiffel tower, a small piece of the Berlin war etc.
4. Tell me about your most adventurous excursion while travelling.
That would be when we did a 24 hours hike to Mount. Kinabalu which is the highest mountain in South East Asia. It was absolutely beautiful to walk up. We had to hike the last part starting midnight so we could see the sunrise over the horizon. Of course, it was completely cloudy and we couldn't see it. However, it was amazing to reach the top at 4095 meters above the sea. This year I bet that with thousand meters, climbing Chimborazo in Ecuador
5. What made you want to write about travelling?
I first started when I heard of Travelicious where I could write a blog post through that and earn $40 for a post. I then created my own website and wrote more posts of places in Ecuador and Australia.
6. Snow or sand?
Sand, even though I am Norwegian. I love hot weather and sand.
7. What’s the longest road trip you’ve ever taken?
That would be from Oslo to Bodø, which takes like 20 hours.
8. Where’s the one place you’ve visited that you’d love to go back to?
Cuba, even though I was just there I would love to go back and see the changes in 10 years.
Looking at the view of Viñales from Balcon del Valle, Viñales, Cuba
9. How do you feel about solo travel?
I am not a big fan, unless I know I will meet people at the hostel or while travelling. I love company and visit places and share the experiences. However, solo travel is something I really want to try out more.
10. How has travelling changed your life?
It has made me the person I am today, it has made me wanting to live abroad for 6 years. And it has given me a broader perspective of cultural differences and understanding people from all over the world.
Guacos dancing around me at the Mama Negra Festiival
My Nominations are:
Chu Chu:
My questions for my list of bloggers:
What do you regret the most of choosing a life filled with travel?
What do you think you would do if you didn't focus on travelling?
Is it something you really regret you didn't do at a destination you have been to?
Have you had a trip ruined because you were sick?
What is a device you can't travel without?
Have you ever missed a flight?
Have you experienced jet-lag, how do you deal with it?
Have you fallen in love while travelling?
What inspires you to travel more?
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
What is the best travel tips you would give to beginners?