Vacations That Are Going To Make You A Better Photographer

If you love photography, then travel is without a doubt the best way to offer yourself to exposure to subjects that inspire a lifetime of pictures. If you love to travel, then photography is the perfect way to capture and immortalize your favorite adventures.

Whichever you love, including both, becoming better at photography will greatly enhance your enjoyment of your travels. So, here are some locations that are going to help you become much better at photography.


Cold and empty as it might seem to some, there is a lot of life in Iceland, but there’s also a lot of pristine, seemingly frozen beauty. It’s perfect for capturing magically still, even eerily peaceful shots. But the opportunity you need to take, most of all, is the chance to capture the Northern Lights. It can be difficult for the novice photographer, but it gives you some great experience on how to shoot under unique lighting conditions.



There’s a particular region of Italy, Abruzzo, that stands leagues apart from the general European experience. As one of the most densely forested areas in the entire continent, it offers sweeping vistas of green that you might find it hard to believe exist outside the jungles of the Amazon or the Indian subcontinent.


Wildlife has always been one of the most popular and fascinating of subjects for photographers. Plan your African safari to give yourself the opportunity to be the latest in a long line trying to get that perfect wildlife shot. The chance to capture the raw spirit of an animal hunting, relaxing, even playing is evocative to us humans in ways that can’t be rationally explained.


There are already a lot of photographs showing exactly why you should want to visit Peru. But if there’s one “destination” for photographers to tackle, it’s the Inca Trail. Less one location and more of a multi-day trek through the remnants of a lost civilization, it’s utterly full of different subjects to try capture. Machu Picchu is an obvious one, but there are lots of ruined communities, holy sites, forests, rivers, and secret springs to try your camera against on the way.


The Inca Trail is a unique example of how cultures can fall and their remnants can degrade over time. Time has weathered Ta Prohm temple in Cambodia but in a very different way.  With immense trees and vines growing throughout this massive Angkor temple, it looks like nature is reclaiming its dominion. The juxtaposition between man and nature, the mix between the clear signs of life as it used to be in the temple versus the degrading, moss-covered nature of it all is a fascinating one.

The journey to get that perfect wildlife shot or to capture the essence of a location in one image is a lifelong one. But the best way to accomplish it is to vary both your photography and your travel as broadly as possible. Hopefully, the destinations named above give you some ideas on how to do that.

Vibeke Johannessen

My name is Vibeke. A travel blogger and a photographer from Norway. I am posting about my journey around the world as well as my experiences living in Ecuador.




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